I'd just basically like to know if I did decide to put some info up on this site, what would you all like to see? Share your thoughts and post me a comment below. Also, I am probably not going to be taking any more requests for which families to add next to the Meet The Mammals section. People seem to get too impatient, and I cannot promise when a group will be finished and posted onto the page. I am going to limit requests for families only to those people who donate to our site. Make a $20 donation, and I will do whatever family you want to see and put it up on here. That will also get it done quicker too. But no more freebie requests. I will update the donation link today. I think I might go through Patreon. But whatever happens with that, I will continue to work on the Meet The Mammals section at my own pace for now.
You can now voice your opinion on any of the pages. Please feel free to share your ideas, if you think something in the drawings needs improvement, or you want to elaborate on them, or whathaveyou, let me know. Post a comment down below and I will get back to you. I have also updated the Contact Us form on this site, my apologies to those who have tried to contact me through that and it didn't go through. Now, it has been fixed and should get better.