Welcome to my Metazoic site! This site discusses the existence of the creatures to come along after humans will be extinct. I first became interested in a world after man when I acquired my first copy of Dougal Dixon's After Man: A Zoology of the Future in 1992. However, I unwittingly created creatures that did not exist from the time I was about 8 years old. But it was after I obtained a copy of that book (now a collector's item) that I decided to take these same creatures I created as a child and make them more realistic in an evolutionary sense. Though it may be hard for a lot of us to grasp, humans will soon become extinct. One of the biggest factors of how this will happen is the current overpopulation rate. Which is why I don't contribute to the population. I created this world with little more than mammals fulfilling all ecological niches with the help of some friends. I even gave the era of the age after man a name, I called it the Metazoic, derived from the words for "After-era" (Meta, meaning after, and zoic meaning era). We are now in the Cenozoic era. To view all the animals I have created since I began this project, you can go to the "Meet the Mammals" section of this site. To discuss your own ideas about what you think will happen in the future world, and share your ideas with others, please feel free to leave a comment.
One more thing, some of you may find this site quite offensive, and you have a right to your own opinion. But please respect my right to have an opinion too. I'm not saying there is no GOD, I believe it was HIM who got the ball rolling. But I believe after that, evolution took over. There is so much more evidence of evolution than there is of creation. Even that going on right under our noses. Other than that, enjoy yourself and visit our many links.

Friday, August 22, 2008

New Family Posted!! And New Update!

The futuristic "camel" family, Chameliidae, has been posted! You can see them here: http://www.metazoica.com/camels.html. Of course these are only 4 of the 7 genera in the family, I never post them all. The "camels" of the future are actually "throw offs" of the deer family. They just deeply resemble camels of today. They are tall and appear to be all legs! They have no humps, and are tailless. Also, I updated the deinognathids. They can be viewed here: http://www.metazoica.com/Deinognathids.html. I made the necessary changes, and I put back the pics that had apparently been deleted!! I don't know how that happened! But if it happens again, I'm going to write a very strongly-worded e-mail to my host provider!!!!! That has happened more than once even when I have gone back in and tried to put the pics back up!

Well anyway, enjoy! I would also appreciate some input from other evolutionists.


Anonymous said...

Cassandra, I like your deer-derived "camels". But even mightest of them look like cubs. It seems because of too large eyes. For example, at 3 m.-long dolphin has eyes like dog's ones by size. And at your giants eyes surpass in size these of giant squid. Just try to draw smaller eyes to large animals. I know, the woman's perception and so on, but zoology must be at the first place, before the tender emotions.

Dee TimmyHutchFan said...

I tried to make them in light of a giraffe's expression. They have fairly large eyes.

Anonymous said...

... but not as large, as squids! Just compare the size of giraffe's eyes with its complete size.

Dee TimmyHutchFan said...

Well, perhaps I do go overboard with the pencil when drawing the eyes. I don't always mean to make them look THAT big. But I also don't think they should be as tiny as a dog's in a 30-foot tall mammal that uses vision as a means of defense.