Welcome to my Metazoic site! This site discusses the existence of the creatures to come along after humans will be extinct. I first became interested in a world after man when I acquired my first copy of Dougal Dixon's After Man: A Zoology of the Future in 1992. However, I unwittingly created creatures that did not exist from the time I was about 8 years old. But it was after I obtained a copy of that book (now a collector's item) that I decided to take these same creatures I created as a child and make them more realistic in an evolutionary sense. Though it may be hard for a lot of us to grasp, humans will soon become extinct. One of the biggest factors of how this will happen is the current overpopulation rate. Which is why I don't contribute to the population. I created this world with little more than mammals fulfilling all ecological niches with the help of some friends. I even gave the era of the age after man a name, I called it the Metazoic, derived from the words for "After-era" (Meta, meaning after, and zoic meaning era). We are now in the Cenozoic era. To view all the animals I have created since I began this project, you can go to the "Meet the Mammals" section of this site. To discuss your own ideas about what you think will happen in the future world, and share your ideas with others, please feel free to leave a comment.
One more thing, some of you may find this site quite offensive, and you have a right to your own opinion. But please respect my right to have an opinion too. I'm not saying there is no GOD, I believe it was HIM who got the ball rolling. But I believe after that, evolution took over. There is so much more evidence of evolution than there is of creation. Even that going on right under our noses. Other than that, enjoy yourself and visit our many links.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Family of the Week: The Rear-Clawed Lemurs

The family Pholidobatidae is unique among pentadactyl families, for having larger, scale-like folds in the soles of their feet and palms of their hands, instead of the typical fingerprint patterns we are familiar with in primates today. This feature is a little more reminiscent of the geckos of today. Other real characteristics of this family is the presence of flat nails on the hands, while the feet are tipped with sharp, curved claws, much like the marmosets and tamarins of today. Most species in this family are nocturnal and mainly omnivorous. The claws on the rear feet are used for either aid in climbing or defense, and in some species, even for dispatching large prey.

Most species in this family are ground-dwellers, mostly in arid regions. The folds in the palms and soles help grip the loose, sandy ground they live on, and in the case of the tree-dwelling species, helps them get a good grip on the tree trunks they prefer, which is so smooth, it's almost glass-like and slippery in the moist climate. The most arboreal species in this family are Pholidobata and Lepidopus, who live among specific varieties of eucalyptus trees with these extremely smooth trunks, feed on the toxic leaves, and sleep curled up in the highest branches. These lemurs are not active leapers, but spend nearly 100% of their time in the trees, almost never coming to the ground levels. These species are almost strict vegetarians, only occasionally feeding on insects and grubs.

Different species have varying levels of omnivory. Parapithecia is the most carnivorous species. Though meat only makes up less than 50% of this animal's diet. The large claws on their feet are as long as 6 inches, sharp and curved, and used to disembowel prey. The hind feet are elongate, much longer than in any other species in this family, and aid this animal in leaping up to 5 times their own body length. Occasionally, these huge lemurs will hunt such prey as antelope and therapeds. Though they scavenge kills by other animals just about as often as they hunt, and they feed on leaves, fruits and grasses more often than they consume meat.

The most varied genus is Decarus, most of which are ground-dwellers, but a few of these species also inhabit the trees, though they prefer to live at much lower levels than Pholidobata and Lepidopus. They are also much active leapers, with a much more varied diet. Most of the ground-dwellers in this genus prefer arid and savanna lands. Though D. epaulettus, D. picta and D. alienus prefer the wetter rainforest climates. D. epaulettus also lives in the highest elevations among members of this family. The ruffles on the animal's upper back help keep them warmer in the cool mountain climates.

Like the majority of lemurs, these animals are social creatures, living in small family groups, usually consisting of a dominant male, a few females, a subordinate male and young. Communication consists of calls. Pholidobata has the loudest calls, resembling those of a child crying. Each individual call lasts as long as a minute, and are generally given by the males. Parapithecia and it's close relatives are almost strictly ground-dwelling, only occasionally retreating to the trees when danger threatens. They communicate with other families with loud, whooping calls that carry all across several miles of savanna. Breeding for these animals occurs only once a year, and usually a single cub is born to each female, though all females in the family unit may be bred at the same time.

Predators of these lemurs are quite a few. Various carnivores like foxes, mongooses and vulpemustelids may take these lemurs if they can capture them. Large, predatory bats may also take the tree-dwelling species. Deinognathids are also major predators of these lemurs. Spathodon is the greatest enemy of Parapithecia and it's closest relatives. In defense, these animals will run, kicking back with their sharp claws, most of the time, they will seek refuge up a tree, or in burrows or bushes. To view this family, follow this link.

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