Anyway, enjoy the videos! And keep your eyes and ears tuned here for further updates about Metazoica.
Here's a video about the evolution of the Earth it's self:
Interesting about the end of the continental drift, in my timeline on my website, I predicted that very thing! Imagine the continents colliding back together again! LOL! Would the mammals that lived apart for so many eons be able to compete with each other?
Here's how modern animals came to be:
This video also explains how we evolved from small bacteria and viruses and stuff. Though it does not specifically mention viruses, they were actually the first living animals.
There are two possibilities for the future supercontinent. The first was shown in the video. The second possibility is the closure of the Pacific Ocean, with the Americas colliding with Asia, Australia and Antarctica.
Antarctica? Wow! I hadn't considered that one.
It does look like the latter is more likely. I mean that is the way that North America and South America are moving right now. Possibly a Mediteranian inland-sea like environment would be captured in what used to be the North Pacific, between Australiasia, Antarctica, and the Americas.
Hm. Cool!
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